
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Senior is prepared to graduate

Jonas Louis-Jeune is a senior graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering. He explains in this interview that he feels prepared to leave school in a number of ways.

Photo's of the new BYU-Idaho Center

Inside the new BYU-Idaho Center where the first senior class will graduated

Graduating student reflect on campus construction

An eight-year phase of construction on the BYU-Idaho campus began in 2002 with an addition to the Ezra Taft Benson Building.

“This is the most intense construction period in the history of the school,” said Chuck Front, director of physical plant, in a 2002 BYU-Idaho news release. Since that time construction has been an ongoing process. The campus is coming to the end of the construction period.

“It’s been interesting to me to see the campus before the construction, and then next semester to see the campus without construction,” said Elizabeth Anderson, a senior studying English.

“I remember they used explosives on the stairs between the library and the MC. That was fun because they used sulfur-based explosives that would shoot these big, old yellow clouds into the air.”

Mariah Vanweerd, a senior studying elementary education, first came to campus in 2008, and is graduating this semester with her bachelor’s degree.

“It’s kind of annoying when certain buildings are blocked off, and you have to go all the way around. It’s especially annoying when it’s raining or snowing. That’s the most negative thing I’ve seen,” Vanweerd said.

Vanweerd said that making room for everyone is one of the most positive aspects of the construction.

“They really have emphasized the spirit of gathering. That’s one thing that I’m really excited about with the building of the BYU-I Center, that we are going to be able to gather there together as one student body,” Vanweerd said.

The ground breaking for the BYU-I Center occurred in October 2006. Four years later, the dedication has been scheduled for Dec. 17. Despite any inconveniences the construction poses, some students see the positive side of it.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Don't Sweat Finals Week!

Beat finals stress this week with some good ole fashion sweat. Even though you think you don't possibly have time, incorporating fitness into your stressful life this week can be a huge benefit to your studies, exams, and overall well being. Check out this podcast for more tips.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Graduation at BYU-Idaho

Seniors graduating from BYU-Idaho this semester reflect on their experiences and even offer some advice for newer students coming into college. So what are the plans of these soon to be college graduates? Watch the video and find out.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Triathlon Tips

Working up to a triathlon is a great fitness goal! Once you've decided to do a triathlon training for the actual event is a huge portion of the preparation. Transitions in the actual race can be tricky though so here are a few pointers that I've picked up.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Texting While Driving

Distracted driving is due to a lot of factors. Lately many states are passing laws that make texting or talking on a cell phone while driving illegal. However texting while walking in crosswalks can be equally dangerous. So the question is, are pedestrians in Rexburg are at risk? Find out why texting while walking could be just as dangerous as texting while driving.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

River Rock Youth Triathlon

Children ages 4-17 were up and out of bed early on a Saturday morning to participate in the River Rock Youth Triathlon.  The event was sponsored to help promote healthy lifestyles for all ages. Take a look at the footage to see all of the days events.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Winter Weather Run

Running outside in Rexburg during the winter might be a formidable thought but it is possible! However to avoid getting frostbite or sick due to cold it is important that you dress appropriately. This podcast has some dressing tips that might help keep you warmer when you run outside in the snow.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Walking for the heart and soul

Sometimes the best way to stay healthy for both the body and the mind is to take a walk every now and then. Enjoy the fall and beauty outdoors, get a little exercise and do something therapeutic for yourself. Listen to this podcast to find out why I like walking so much.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beauty and The Ballet

Ballet is arguable the fundamental dance to all other forms of dance. For many students at BYU-Idaho ballet is one way for them to show off their inner beauty. Watch the video below and find out how dancing has influenced one students life for the better. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Theft is a big progblem at BYU-Idaho

The Safety and Security Office aims to provide professional services that maintain a peaceful, secure, and safe campus environment. To find out more please visit

Friday, August 13, 2010

Apple Blossom Festival at BYU-Idaho

This was the celebration of the first annual apple blossom festival at Brigham Young University-Idaho. Horticulture students in charge of the apple orchards were responsible for the event. Despite the uncooperative weather many families and students showed up for the fun activities including bobbing for apples, rope tug of wars, and free popcorn. Check out the video and see what happened.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rexburg announces new water park

This is a story I did earlier this summer. Rexburg currently has no outdoor recreation pools. However, officials held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Riverside Aquatic Park. Some community members feel it is a waste of money, because it snows most of the year anyways. Others welcome it! Watch the video to find out more details on this new site.