

- When did you start this blog?
I started it in September of 2010

- Any advice for new bloggers?
As far as starting up a blog goes, I have three pieces of advice that have really helped mine get going. First of all, post pictures that are interesting and that belong to you. For example, if you want to talk about your favorite cereal, post a cute picture of you holding the box, or eating a big bowl of it. As opposed to posting a picture of the Kellogg's logo. A lame example, but you get the point. Next post interesting content and develop your own style and theme. Ask yourself, "what's the one thing that makes my blog unique from all the rest?" and accentuate that point regularly. Also keep your blog centered around one specific theme, and give your readers a reason to keep coming back with something inspirational, funny or some excellent pictures and inspirational pulls from around the internet. Finally, in order to grow your blog, your mantra should be comment, comment, comment! Seriously, it's the best way there is to get out there and "meet" other bloggers in your niche. Make sincere comments. People can always tell when it's a cop-out and you just say "great blog! follow mine!" so just be as sincere as possible and then always leave a link to your blog below your comment. That will really help you to see a difference in your number of followers.

- What religion are you?
Hello. I'm Mormon. Nice to meet you. You can read more about what I believe here. Or you can ask me questions about it here. Try your best to be nice though. Thanks :)

- Where are your favorite news sources?
 I love a variety of news sources. I like FOX, and CNN, but I also like Digg, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and many more.